staff talking to each other

By Jordan Van Liere, PREMIER Talent Acquisition Manager

How did the COVID-19 pandemic change how you live or work? The answer is easy for those of us in Human Resources (HR): it changed everything! Work-from-home and flexible schedules are no longer the exception but the expectation. Mental and physical well-being are top benefits and recruiting has become increasingly difficult. The only thing that remains the same is the importance of the interview. Yes, how you interview (in-person or digitally) has changed, but why you interview is the same. Here are some time-tested tips for a successful interview.

Interview Preparation

  1. Research the company’s corporate website and social media channels. You will find a lot of helpful information about workplace culture and how to tie your skill set to the job and the company’s mission.
  2. Re-read the job description and come up with questions you might have about job duties. Also, think of questions they may ask you.
  3. Practice with someone you trust. Get comfortable talking about yourself and why you want to work there.
  4. Prepare your clothing the night before the interview. Even in today’s casual work world, you still need to dress appropriately for an interview. Wear clean, ironed button-down shirts, dresses, suit jackets, dress pants and dress shoes. It’s better to be overdressed than to show up in jeans and a hoodie and make a wrong impression.
  5. Make sure you know where you are going. Familiarize yourself with the location and how long it will take to travel there. Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early.

If your interview is virtual…

  1. Look for a neutral-colored background that is free of clutter and distractions. You may be proud of your superhero action figure collection but using something other than that as your background is best.
  2. If you have pets, put them in another room so they aren’t disrupting or distracting you.
  3. Even though you are not in person, you must still dress as if you were. Stay away from your PJs or favorite sweatshirt.


  1. Silence your phone and leave it in your pocket or purse. Don’t put it on the table or look at it during the interview. If you have a smartwatch, turn off notifications or don’t wear it to the interview to avoid getting distracted.
  2. Shake hands and give eye contact when introducing yourself. Maintain eye contact with the person asking the questions.
  3. Bring copies of your resume and listen intently. Wait before jumping in to answer, so you don’t interrupt.
  4. Show confidence by not slouching in your chair, leaning on the table or fidgeting with pens or clothing.
  5. SMILE.
  6. Give honest answers but keep them short. Only add necessary details and tell short stories.
  7. Tie your accomplishments to your resume. Be positive and friendly.
  8. Speak well of your former employer, even if you had a bad experience. Be honest but be respectful.


  1. Ask about the next steps.
  2. Send a thank you note or email telling them you appreciate their time.

Your interview and how you present yourself will likely decide whether you advance to the next part of the process (if there is one) or are offered the job. Remember, an interview is the best opportunity to determine if the job is right for you and if the company thinks you are the right fit. So use it to your advantage and be prepared.

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