By Lisa Gerner, PREMIER Bankcard EVP
The financial services and banking industry can often be referred to as the “boys club.” In my 30+ years in this industry, I have experienced some of that, but I have also seen a lot of positive changes in recent years. I’m excited for future female leaders and hope you can benefit from some of the lessons I have learned along the way.
I have been fortunate to work in several large financial organizations, each offering its own unique experience. Over the years, I realized that I had to take control of my success and challenge myself to step outside my comfort zone to ensure I continued to grow. I have learned the value of inclusion and collaboration. I also learned to be an empathetic leader without appearing weak. If you’re starting your career, are in the middle of it or looking toward a new chapter, here’s my advice to you.
Find Your Voice
It is rewarding to see more females in leadership roles across all industries, but especially in financial services. The acceptance and appreciation for how a female perspective contributes to an organization’s decision-making is increasing all the time. But much like the women before us, we still have to overcome obstacles to make our voices heard. We also have to fight stereotypes. Remember that it is okay to be empathetic, authentic and gracious while also being strong, persuasive and tenacious. As you go through your career, find your voice and ensure that you have a seat at the table. Also, maintain your integrity. You will never regret it.
Pay It Forward
I am passionate about paying it forward to other women who are on their career journey. I believe in placing a high importance on mentoring and helping other females grow in their careers, as this has not always been the case. The financial industry is an ever-changing environment, where the opportunities are endless. Women have so many fantastic qualities to contribute. Continue to be resilient and persevere. Find your passion and foster its growth. Above all, know when to ask for help and then pay it forward.
Relationships Matter
Throughout my career, I have witnessed the power of the relationship. Not only with customers, but with your co-workers and employees that report to you. It’s important to let people know they can trust you and feel safe confiding in you. Welcome feedback from everyone – your leaders and direct reports. That is one thing I appreciate about PREMIER. It genuinely cares about its customers, employees and the communities in which we do business. We want them all to succeed. One of the main reasons I came to PREMIER was to have the opportunity to give back to the community, both financially and by sharing my time and experience to add value. It is a privilege to work with PREMIER’s fantastic leaders and employees.
Don’t Look Back
Someone once told me, “Don’t look back; keep moving forward.” And I would say the same to any woman, young or old, in any industry. Learn from your mistakes, don’t dwell on them. We can’t change the past, but we can impact the future. So go forward and make a difference today!